Küngüt İstirahət Mərkəzi AZ, Şəki rayonu

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AserbajdsjanKüngüt İstirahət Mərkəzi



🕗 åbningstider

5515, Bash Kungut village Sheki AZ Baş Küngüt, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 55 325 36 33
internet side: kungut.az
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.1663341, Longitude: 47.3275706

kommentar 5

  • Jaami kai

    Jaami kai


    The place has a charismatic view of a valley which gives pleasure to eyes. The hotel is located away from Shekhi and it requires skilled driver to reach here. Around 5km from the hotel, the road becomes bumpy and uneven. Our driver was young and inexperienced, but we called the hotel and they came for assistance, when we were 500 meters away. The rooms are clean, warm and made of woods. Staff is welcoming and friendly. The prices are affordable and the experience is worth trying!!

  • Eesha Malik

    Eesha Malik


    Amazing resort. Very good service. Everything clean and the staff is so hospitable and courteous. Would definitely recommend it for a quite getaway in the woods.

  • Ali Al lawati

    Ali Al lawati


    A 3 star hotel with 5 star service. From hotel manager Sabuhy to restaurant staff Akal. All are very helpful and friendly. They treat you like family. The hotel is located in amazing place uphill in a remote village. The location is beyond amazing. Worth every night and penny spent View from quotage room attached

  • Ritesh Purohit

    Ritesh Purohit


    Great location for the hotel halfway up a hill in the Sheki region. Awesome views of the mountains & village. Gives a 'in the middle of nowhere' feel. Good option to base yourself and drive around to explore the villages around the Sheki region. Rooms & bathrooms are a little dated and could do with an upgrade, but comfortable, nonetheless. The food is good with most of the ingredients locally sourced from the village. The staff is extremely helpful and courteous. Even went out of their way in assisting us when we had some car issues a while after checking-out of the Hotel.

  • Afsheen Taqi

    Afsheen Taqi


    Awesome experience ... staff is extremely nice and helpfull .rooms are clean .food is good.location is WOW . Far from city but there is not much in city to visit you can go once and visit the important places.

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