Afra Hotel i Oghuz

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanAfra Hotel


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20 January Street 6, Oghuz, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 55 444 80 01
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Latitude: 41.0662149, Longitude: 47.469368

kommentar 5

  • rashad Safarov

    rashad Safarov


    Meals are awful but hotel is better than meals, Rooms are good but I don't recommend eating any meals in restaurant

  • Azizah S Mutik

    Azizah S Mutik


    The hotel does not represent the starts it bears. Especially in food options, there is really no vegan or vegetarian food available. The staff doesn't even seem to understand the concept of vegan and vegetarian. One day the maid "cleaned" the room and instead of changing a wet towel, she put it above my opened luggage which resulted most of my clothes went humid and smelly.

  • Inci Aliyeva

    Inci Aliyeva


    Nice hotel :) I liked it. Ä°t's food is not bad. Ä°t locates beautiful place. Oghuz is awesome place

  • Mahmoud Essa

    Mahmoud Essa


    Good in general. The ACs in some rooms didn't work well. The breakfast is not that good and needs improvements. The view was wonderful :D

  • Mirali Mahmudov

    Mirali Mahmudov


    3 star hotel

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