Inci Design Hotel i Şəki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanInci Design Hotel


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47, Mikayıl Müşviq küçəsi, Şəki, Şəki, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 50 214 48 00
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.1995623, Longitude: 47.1754381

kommentar 5

  • Hossein Jamshidian

    Hossein Jamshidian


    Peaceful with good access to other places

  • Lora Nielsen

    Lora Nielsen


    The place has potential. The views from the top floor apartment were breathtaking. Breakfast was traditional and very tasty. However there were a few things in the apartment as well the communication with the staff that could be easily fixed. Hygiene in the apartment wasn't good. Window couldn't close, meaning I froze all night long. Staff are a bit hard to find when needed. No phone in the room. Breakfast was served at 9am - quite late. Location was ok.

  • Femke Konings

    Femke Konings


    This place has HUGE rooms. It's more like an apartment and definitely bigger than our apartment at home in Amsterdam, haha. We stayed in the golden room and it even had a Jacuzzi and an indoor garden with a hammock and a swing. And all of that for around 40 to 50 euros per night. I recommend everyone to stay here when visiting Sheki!

  • Yousra Alnasser

    Yousra Alnasser


    We loved our golden room, staff were so friendly and helpful.

  • F S

    F S


    Excellent family place. Great interior. Stayed in Gold Room. Large bathroom. Very comfortable place and central location. Makes it easier to reach Sheki Palace, Karavansara and Khan Palace on walking distance.

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