House on Ashiq Cuma street 8 i Sheki

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AserbajdsjanHouse on Ashiq Cuma street 8


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Ashiq Cuma street 8, Sheki, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 51 849 20 27
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Latitude: 41.1706409, Longitude: 47.1650858

kommentar 5

  • Zakirov game

    Zakirov game


    Let's see beyenirem aylevi Ziya brother helps clean

  • Ruslanchico



    Very hospitable hosts

  • Nick Urbaan

    Nick Urbaan


    We have been warmly welcomed by Entiqe and her family. The room was spacious and clean. Entiqe speaks good English and prepared a delicious breakfast. We felt very comfortable during the stay.

  • Pragyan Roy

    Pragyan Roy


    The Goods-- 1. Nice set-up, gives the feeling of country living in a family home. Fun talking to family member to understand local living. 2. Friendly staff and speaks English well. Made us dinner on request. 3. Flexibility - provide breakfast on requested time, allowed us to wash our car. 4. Value of money The Bads --- 1. Location is about 500 mts away from main street on unpaved roads and there is no street light, so you end up wasting time figuring it out. It's wouldn't have been much of a problem if there were proper sign board. 2. Bathroom is outside which is a problem during rains. Many reviews has mentioned this problem but owners don't care about it. Bathroom is clean but clumsy and cluttered with too many things in it. 3. The private room has transparent glass on doors without any option of covering it which effects privacy. 4. Owner should keep change money handy.

  • Doc



    Nice family. Room is comfortable. Shower system is a bit awkward but fine. Far from center but cheap buses nearby so not a big deal. They can not help with registering foreigners so keep that in mind if crossing from Georgia.

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