Sheki Panorama Guest House & Hostel i Sheki

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AserbajdsjanSheki Panorama Guest House & Hostel


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Mirza Fatali Axundov kuc., Donge 14, Ev 5A, Sheki 5500, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 50 622 90 27
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Latitude: 41.1989374, Longitude: 47.1851276

kommentar 5

  • Armin Slisans

    Armin Slisans


    Cozy big rooms, nice view outside the room. Breakfast not very rich but it's ok. For those who have trouble falling asleep go out of the room and listen to crickets singing in a dark night - calming and relaxing.

  • Tudor Breban

    Tudor Breban


    Indeed newly renovated room but cold. Took quite some time to heat up. Shower was leaking due to a bad drain that could block if you walked on it. Appart from that, nice host albeit only knew Azer. The view is indeed superb and prices reasonable.

  • Anton Meersman

    Anton Meersman


    Great view and friendly, helpfull owners. The view makes a great setting for enjoying your breakfast. Very comfortable clean rooms with air con. Best showers we've had so far

  • chris fogden

    chris fogden


    Great view and very friendly owners. We enjoyed our time here. Place is a short stroll to the main visit spots and we were easily able to organise transport to onward destinations though the help of the staff. Breakfast was tasty and plentiful and we look forward to coming back.

  • Daniel Brand

    Daniel Brand


    Budget Place in Sheki. As the name "panorama" may suggest, it's on a hilltop - not too easy to find or reach. Owners are friendly but do not speak English - which does not really help. Rooms are fine, recently renovated and clean (available with both private or shared bathroom). Breakfast included, not a really rich menu but better than nothing

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