Terrace Hotel i Bakı

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanTerrace Hotel



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10B, Babek Avenue, Bakı 1025, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 12 480 14 06
internet side: www.terrace.az
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.388698, Longitude: 49.8706701

kommentar 5

  • Jordi Ponce

    Jordi Ponce


    Clean hotel with city views. 20€ per night is almost gratis for european or american tourists.

  • en

    Sicran30 Yo


    Nice hotel, situated on the last floor of normal apartments building. Great views of the city but not so close to the city centre if you want to walk your short staying in Baku. 10 min in taxi from the Old City.

  • Elturan Bakhmanov

    Elturan Bakhmanov


    Good hotel

  • Gerald Stockinger

    Gerald Stockinger


    Nice new hotel, with clean rooms. The balconies in the rooms could be a bit nicer though. The location is OK.

  • Abosultan alsiyabi

    Abosultan alsiyabi


    This hotel is in the top floor of an old building

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