JW Marriott Absheron Baku i Bakı

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanJW Marriott Absheron Baku



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1000, 674 Azadliq Square Baku AZ, Bakı, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 12 499 88 88
internet side: www.marriott.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.374715, Longitude: 49.856755

kommentar 5

  • en

    Imran Siddique


    Great 5 star hotel in best location. I really liked my stay there. Would love to stay there once again while visited.

  • Mary Scardino Nash

    Mary Scardino Nash


    Great hotel, friendly staff. Convenient location to all Baku attractions.

  • Haroon Rauf

    Haroon Rauf


    Top class location and best stay in Baku . Staff is very helpful and keen to assist you. The lobby area is very lively. make yourself home and enjoy your stay in Baku with you stay here highly recommended

  • J Diaz

    J Diaz


    Had a great 5 day stay. Good A/C, WiFi is strong, rooms are spacious. Really enjoy the new TV features Marriott has been installing in their hotels. In the desk there is an HDMI port to plug in your devices. On the home screen, click menu and scroll down to the third option, Sharing TV, select from HDMI, Apple Airplay, and another option. Press select and your device is on the screen. There are plenty of restaurants to choose from, Malls with a couple of blocks each way, and is the central point for the F1 race. Taxis and Uber’s are ready to pick up guest.

  • Matthew Harrison

    Matthew Harrison


    Great 5 star hotel in a central location. It just works superbly

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