Empire Hotel i Bakı

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanEmpire Hotel


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49, Xaqani Küçəsi, Bakı, Bakı, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 12 598 21 28
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.3758918, Longitude: 49.8519741

kommentar 5

  • tr

    Onur Devres


    Close to center. Nice people, nice service.

  • Maksim Golub

    Maksim Golub


    Хороший отель, только до метро минут десять пешком, завтрак отличный, не могли заплатить кредиткой

  • en

    Jeyhun Baba


    I have not been a customer in this hotel. But when I passed by, I realised its entrance is even steeper than Himalayas. Well I guess this hotel is not friendly for disabled guests and for 0-2 years old kids

  • arghaone L

    arghaone L


    The only advantage of this hotel is its location. The hotel has no elevator!! No internet in rooms and poor one in lobby. The first two days of our residence we didn't have hot water, so the water was not suitable for bathing. This hotel is three-star but we paid almost the same as a four-star hotel because of the holidays of Norouz but the services was as poor as a motel. The hotel had good staff with nice behavior.

  • Masis Masisian

    Masis Masisian


    This building was Mikoyan shoes factory.

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