Sultan Inn Boutique Hotel i Baku

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanSultan Inn Boutique Hotel


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Baku, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 12 437 23 05
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Latitude: 40.3662639, Longitude: 49.8363286

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lucas Quagliato


    They are not honest! I did a reservation 3 mounths ago ( I payied ) and when I got to the hotel yesterday they say that my reservation was cancelled and the hotel was full. They just Want your money , Stay away for this hotel! You can be the next!

  • en

    M Bg


    I booked and paid the hotel 3 months in advance, after traveling from sao paulo-BR to Baku the hotel sends an email 20 hr before my arrival canceling !! Lack of total respect with the guests !!!!!

  • Kim Donghyun

    Kim Donghyun


    We went to the restaurant. It was nice and good food. The service is also good.

  • Nijat Mammadbayli

    Nijat Mammadbayli


    Really like the restaurant. One of my favourite places to come because it has a great view on the Maiden Tower, high quality food, great customer service.

  • Subhash Nair

    Subhash Nair


    Nice food...enjoyed fish served there...nice view of the new and old city

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