Санаторий Капаз (кяпаз) / kepez sanatoriyasi i Naftalan

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AserbajdsjanСанаторий Капаз (кяпаз) / kepez sanatoriyasi



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Nizami Gandjavi 07, Naftalan 4600, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994
internet side: naftalan.city
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.5066276, Longitude: 46.8204551

kommentar 5

  • Veshchii Oleg

    Veshchii Oleg


    There is a lot to tell. Kepez is a decent budget sanatorium, baths with naftalan, the staff is friendly, attentive, this is not the first time I go. Quite the same, everything is on the level, rooms, doctors' offices and the booths themselves with baths, everything is new, clean, cleaned cleanly and carefully. Satisfied with almost everything, I advise. Yes, there are a few drawbacks, but how can it be without a "fly in the ointment", the cuisine, yes, everything is very tasty and dietary, but very much in the "table" style, meat is not visible, Azerbaijan, greens are the first food, there is exactly in central Russia. I am satisfied, I need to be ready for this, I wanted local fruits (they cost a penny in a season), it's a pity they don't treat me. Yes, let me, forgive and understand, the employees of the sanatorium (they are the best). And I would like to make a small remark to the nurses: Please do not talk on the phone (besides, in Azerbaijani) during the procedures, it is very unpleasant, as a patient, you want attention, but no .... But even with these disadvantages, for the budget class, it is better not to find in Naftalan, I ADVISE. I will personally come to Kepez next year, thanks to the management and staff.

  • Smile_k GO!

    Smile_k GO!


    Everything was perfect. Clean rooms, best treatments and helpful personal.

  • Надежда Барахтина

    Надежда Барахтина


    At the Kepez sanatorium, we are currently relaxing, we arrived on September 16, 2019. The sanatorium is excellent, the treatment is excellent: these are naphthalan baths, massage, physical procedures. Accommodation in comfortable conditions, friendly staff, food delicious at home !!! Who has health problems - joints, psoriasis I advise you to come to this sanatorium! I come to Naftalan for the third time, I had a rest earlier and in other sanatoriums, I liked it more than in others, it is a great pleasure to undergo treatment in such a beautiful sanatorium !!!!

  • Elena K

    Elena K


    A health resort with crude oil baths. My joints improved after the treatment and the stay was nice and relaxing. The staff were fantastic as well!

  • bogumił filipiuk

    bogumił filipiuk


    Amazing health and cultural experience, definitely recommended to everyone interested in an alternative spa or unique Azerbaijan experience. although the stuff does not speak english, they will accommodate you to the best possible way.

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