Gözəl Naftalan (Красивый Нафталан) i Naftalan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanGözəl Naftalan (Красивый Нафталан)



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улица И.Насими 5А, Naftalan 4600, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 50 305 25 24
internet side: naftalan.city
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.5058178, Longitude: 46.8284639

kommentar 5

  • Рагим Мансимов

    Рагим Мансимов


    This is the first time I rested in this sanatorium. Everything is fine. The prices are also reasonable. The food is super. The staff is also good. But he eats some of the nuances. I think the management will solve these problems soon.

  • Соня ли

    Соня ли


    I liked the resort. For a little money you get an excellent set of procedures, and most importantly, of course, baths. The staff is very attentive, this is a big plus, because forms a comfortable atmosphere. They don’t extort money, they offer additional services, for example, if the massage was prescribed only on the back and you want the whole body - pay 5 mana. The food is normal, there is not much choice, but you will not stay hungry. The rooms are of course equipped with old furniture, but the mattresses are new, sleeping comfortably. Linen changed after three days. Surface cleaning mainly with a vacuum cleaner. The administration decides all the requests, they got a hair dryer - they brought it.

  • Guangyu Liu

    Guangyu Liu


    Nice and cheap place to try oil bath. Staff are really kind and helpful.

  • Надя Рябина

    Надя Рябина


    We rested from October 13-29. Everything is great. A very hospitable team led by a director who takes care of each client. I express gratitude to the whole team and see you soon in the spring. Girls from Kiev

  • Гульназ Кутуева

    Гульназ Кутуева


    Good hotel. Suitable for those who need a budget option. The staff is friendly, always ready to help, suggest. The food is very tasty. Treatment with naphthalan is in favor. Thanks to the hospitable people of Azerbaijan

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