VIP Karvan Restaurant i Şəki

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AserbajdsjanVIP Karvan Restaurant



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Mirzə Fətəli Axundov küçəsi, Şəki, Şəki, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 50 607 55 54
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Latitude: 41.192314, Longitude: 47.177251

kommentar 5

  • Shirin Samadov

    Shirin Samadov


    Peaceful restaurant, delicious meals and perfect design. Loved it

  • Azer Bagirov

    Azer Bagirov


    The place has a nice design. You feel like in the middle of 16-17th century. They have inside and outside seats. I had piti there. It was fast and delicious. Highly recommended

  • Polad Rasulzade

    Polad Rasulzade


    So delicious. We liked that place. Littlebit far from city center, but you should try here some local dishes. I recomend.

  • Farid Mustafayev

    Farid Mustafayev


    Restaurant is located 3 minutes walking distance to Sheki Central Bus Station. İf you ask anyone " VİP restaurant" people will show you. There different parts of restaurant. İn 1st floor there arə is shisha lounge and game billiard room. You can smoke here and drink tea and play billiard. 2nd floor there are private rooms which you can play playstation. 3rd floor there is cafe with city view and open air kafe . 4tg floor is special designed restaurant . You can taste here local dishes with live music.

  • Farid Hajiyev

    Farid Hajiyev


    One of the most beautiful places to go in Sheki with the affordable prices and friendly staff! If you are looking for a place to drink a tea, smoke a shisha in Sheki, you should definitely visit this place

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