Riva Hotel Baku i Baku

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanRiva Hotel Baku


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Ziya Bünyadov, Baku, Baku, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994
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Latitude: 40.4150073, Longitude: 49.8567265

kommentar 5

  • التعلم غايتنا

    التعلم غايتنا


    It's comfortable hotel and near to the airport

  • Haseeb Maher

    Haseeb Maher


    Staff is good , cleaning of rooms are acceptable. Staff name Mr. Etibar was very good and helpfull person he assist all geusts with special care.

  • en

    John Martinez


    Horrible location, bathroom was average, air conditioning didn't work very well and staff not very helpful. Beds are comfy though.

  • Rahul Singh

    Rahul Singh


    Staff is very co-operative and good. Clean rooms, good service, good food.

  • indrani Sarbajna

    indrani Sarbajna


    Location is on highway but 2km from nearby metro. People are welcoming but behave like they are blessing us for giving us a room. As we are Indian I think we have a special attention so they give us 206 no. Room, opposite reception, and some ridiculous people shouted all night, so we can't sleep, but when told them in morning they just ignore. This room has no window and ac is not working properly so no ventilation, so u can imagine what the situation. Most amazing situation we experienced is a good morning with no water, bcoz of some electrical prblm they can't supply water and have no backup for this situation so, a 14 hrs suffering the all guest faced. Be aware before booking this hotel.

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