Pizza Hut i Bakı

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanPizza Hut



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Проспект Азербайджана, 2, Bakı, Aserbajdsjan
kontakter telefon: +994 12 310 02 24
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.370202, Longitude: 49.835648

kommentar 5

  • ابراهيم الموسى

    ابراهيم الموسى



  • en

    Matthew Jones


    Not like they make it in the US. The choices are limited, they don't put enough cheese on the pizza, and they don't sell bottled drinks - not even water. The communication in English was limited. Make sure to check how they spelled your name for when it goes on the pickup board. Your name will turn green and then you can get your pizza, just make sure they spelled it right or know how they spelled it.

  • LoLo ALJeeran

    LoLo ALJeeran


    It was Delicious, I Like The #Pizza and the chicken Wings it's Really Tasty and yummy . The restaurant is excellent and distinctive, the best of all is choice it to eat pizza because it is delicious.The place is very good . من أحلا المطاعم والأفضل اختياره لتناول البيتزا . كانت البيتزا لذيذه وحتى أجنحة الدجاج ممتازه 👌 أعجبني مكان المطعم وأنصح الجميع اختياره لأنه رائع حقاً 😋

  • en

    Younus AlMaslahi


    Not the best pizza. Limited options.

  • Bilal Khan Mayo

    Bilal Khan Mayo


    Best pizza in the city. Big brand quality services & affordable price for everyone. I really like this place . Must wanted to give them more than 5 starts 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟

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