Hirkan Park Hotel i Hirkan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanHirkan Park Hotel


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MQ5M+H6M, Hirkan, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 51 694 50 50
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Latitude: 38.6589735, Longitude: 48.7830526

kommentar 5

  • Emin Aliyev

    Emin Aliyev


    Clean, neat rooms, hot shower, hot/cold air conditioning, good location next to Hirkan park, quiet surroundings, helpfull staff, good restorant, parking area.

  • Sevil Sadiqova

    Sevil Sadiqova


    The hotel is located in a picturesque location next to the mountains. The staff is polite and efficient. The rooms are clean. There is a restaurant on the territory of the cafe where you will be deliciously fed. But if you want a quiet place where you can relax, then this is not for you. Downstairs in the restaurant, the door is slammed so hard that it is impossible to sleep during the day. The doors are also slammed by the guests and the staff who clean the rooms. Sound insulation at zero level. Everything that happens in the hallway echoes in the rooms. The bathroom smells awful of cigarettes even if you don't smoke yourself, but someone else is smoking. Next time I will not stop here for sure.

  • Uhdnr Nhty

    Uhdnr Nhty


    Was at the hotel this weekend. I am delighted. To put it mildly, I did not expect to see such a service, cleanliness, and awesomely tasty cuisine. The staff is friendly. As if you are in home comfort. I highly recommend it. Thanks to all the hotel staff

  • Abuibraheem



    Clean rooms , good service , very pollit staff

  • hussain alabkari

    hussain alabkari


    Nice hotel and very close to the lake, the restaurant is cheap and its food is good, even if it does not have a menu But they don't have a monument

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