Hilton Baku i Baku

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanHilton Baku


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1B Azadlig Avenue, Baku 1000, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 12 464 50 00
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 40.372112, Longitude: 49.8496777

kommentar 5

  • en

    James Thornton


    The Hotel itself deserves 5 stars, the rooms are elegant the views sensational and the bathrooms elaborate but the whole experience is let down but the service. They are clearly understaffed in major areas. I had drinks in the Lobby bar that took over 15 mins to arrive, despite me seeing a waiter rushing around to everyone doing his job very well. I then had dinner at the Grill house restaurant on the terrace. The only time I saw the waiter was to seat us, take our order and bring the food. I know this sounds like an unwarranted criticism but we were left to pour wine, scout a different waiter for more drinks and also had to walk to the exit to pay the bill. Once again you could see that the waiters were busy but it wasn't a particularly busy evening in the restaurant. All in all its the only part of the 5 star expectations that are missing.

  • en

    Metin Esgin


    Horrible bar. Went to Terrace. Blinding lights! What’s the point? Bar does not serve cocktails. Above bar, 360 does. Guess what? They cannot bring you. You have to go and get yourself! Heeyy?? Hilton? 5 stars?

  • en

    Me UAE


    Nice and clean hotel. Friendly staff...their breakfast is so good. Good location facing park and a mall and 15 minutes walking from busy market.

  • en

    Yasser abdosaeed


    Luxury hotel, the location at the center of the Baku downtown, nearby the Baluver park. excellent services and helpful staff..bearkfast is fantastic with lots of vriaties...

  • Karivo 32

    Karivo 32


    Woow !!! Amazing staff and great service. Very luxurious. The view from the rooftop is breathtaking.

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