Elvet Steakhouse i Bakı

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanElvet Steakhouse



🕗 åbningstider

Hasanoghlu, Bakı, Bakı, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 12 567 64 64
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.3968149, Longitude: 49.8702971

kommentar 5

  • Sami Husenat

    Sami Husenat


    Nice restaurant. Very good food

  • Sara Buraik

    Sara Buraik


    A real 5 star experience... beautiful meat, amazing staff and above all a full night of food , entertainment and more ... this place is a must .. if you only two ask for the sharing menu its very filling and worth every penny of the 250 Manat (56 BD) we paid ❤❤❤

  • en

    Matthew Jones


    If it's all about taste and presentation, these guys are clear winners. Everyone is so friendly and does their best to speak English to those of us that are not from here. The food taste excellent. The way it's brought out is like a ritual. The creamed spinach is awesome. They also make a big display of the dessert... Baku Paklava. Just watch out, they may try to talk you into a double... And it's not cheap. Awesome food and amazing service.

  • en

    Evgeny Sidorov


    Great place to dine! We had a salad for two persons and two rib eyes and everything was excellent. The service was blazingly fast comparing to other places in Baku, the staff was extremely friendly and cut meat and even feed our child.

  • Nasser R

    Nasser R


    Excellent experience! Great food and atmosphere, we ordered 1 salad and 3 main courses which were all good, the meat was cooked to perfection! The show and way of presenting food was exciting for both adults and kids! The staff were very friendly and the service was fast, the waiter was even helping with feeding the kids and hiding the sparkling water from them 😅 We ended our dinner with their signature baklava which was very tasty, it was very sweet but still very delicious along side with the tea. I recommend trying this restaurant very much!

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