Eleven i Bakı

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Azadlıq prospekti, Bakı, Bakı, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 51 510 00 11
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 40.371477, Longitude: 49.8487017

kommentar 5

  • en

    Natalia Danilovich


    It’s a wonderful restaurant with fascinating view at the city. They have delicious sushi, nice cocktails and great wine. The service is excellent, waiters are very polite and friendly. They also host amazing parties with good music. It’s often full, so I’d recommend to make a reservation. If you’re visiting Baku, this place is worth checking just because of the view.

  • Hasan Wasay

    Hasan Wasay


    great view and weekend party

  • en

    Moin Azhar


    Park Inn is actually a 4 star hotel with nice rooms, pleasant and soft spoken staff, Breakfast is sumptuous , it has rrstaurants and Bar a oarty place on 11 floor. From 9 floor my room amazing view Caspian sea, the Baku Port, a little part of the city can be viewed .

  • Caitlin Weich

    Caitlin Weich


    Terrible music. Would not recommend for dancing, rude DJ and overpriced drinks.

  • en

    Ben S


    Don't get the many recommendations about this one. Worn out sofas, no atmosphere, bad service, food and mediocre drinks. Probably simply a "pick-up place" because otherwise it's not worth going there for anything.

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