Deluxe Hotel i Ganja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanDeluxe Hotel


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M9HG+3J3, Ganja, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994
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Latitude: 40.6776397, Longitude: 46.3765365

kommentar 5

  • Rainman



    Positive moments; + some hotel reception members are friendly and have sense of responsibility. Hotel has its own parking. Negative experience: - Management of the hotel lie (conditions described and agreed over the phone were completely different from what we faced upon arrival. They promised a 3-men room amended with 1 extra bed, upon arrival we received 2-men room with 1 extra bed. The Hotel manager lied in front of the three(!) witnesses of the same phone conversation. The level of arrogance was impressive... - Service to the room: after one hour of waiting for a tea set to the room, a guest had to cancel his order, since when he called for reminder it was understood that the restaurant staff simply did not take care of received order. - Noise: Rooms are heated with the built-in air-conditioning only. It is difficult to get asleep in the rooms on level 3, because of constant noise from ajr-conditioning ducts, even if you turn the aircon in your room off. - Breakfast is served from 8:00am only, not comfortable for guests who plan early-morning departure. - Local guests are requested to provide unnecessary personal data even for a 1-night stay, calling it a requirement of local authorities, which in fact is not a legal requirement. The hotel facilities and level of service does not worth its money!

  • Muhammad Habib Ahsan

    Muhammad Habib Ahsan


    Good breakfast, humble staff, good location

  • Khalil khan

    Khalil khan


    Very nice 👌😊 hotel to stay in Ganja.

  • Kamran Ahmadov

    Kamran Ahmadov


    These guys over that hotel are cheaters. They replayed my booking and then shut the phone on my ear. Absolutely unprofessional business and personal behaviour with clients

  • Mariami Ta

    Mariami Ta


    All staff members are very friendly and helpful. Nice and comfortable Hotel. Would stay next time again

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