Cay Bagi i Bakı

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanCay Bagi



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3, Kichik Qala, Bakı, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 50 600 01 45
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.366409, Longitude: 49.8364356

kommentar 5

  • Rashed Al-Abbar

    Rashed Al-Abbar


    Excellent location. Great food. Cozy atmosphere.

  • alex d

    alex d


    Good shishas great tea

  • Ali Al-Ibrahim

    Ali Al-Ibrahim


    Totally overrated. I'm a smoker and the place was too smoky for me!

  • Natalia Danilovich

    Natalia Danilovich


    It’s a very nice restaurant with mostly Azerbaijani food located in the heart of Baku Old Town. As this restaurant is on the top floor, you can enjoy a beautiful view from the window. The service is great (as almost everywhere in Baku - I must say that this is one of the most hospitable cities I’ve visited). The interior decor is made in a very oriental style, but the room planning is more in a modern way with wall windows and standard square tables with sofas. They also have parrots which add to the diverse atmosphere of the place.

  • Azar Asgarov

    Azar Asgarov


    My favourite dining place in Baku so far. Great atmosphere and view of the seaside boulevard, the maiden tower and the old town, from a height. Delicious meals, comfortable seating and quiet environment.

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