Aynur Hotel&Restaurant i Quba

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AserbajdsjanAynur Hotel&Restaurant



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Quba, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 50 602 40 40
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 41.3470341, Longitude: 48.4520124

kommentar 5

  • Shoukat Ali Waste mgt

    Shoukat Ali Waste mgt


    Awsome place

  • Yu Irene Cyndey

    Yu Irene Cyndey


    If there is below 0 star rating, I would have it. This restaurant is so horrible. Me and my family were here 2 days ago to have our lunch after a long day tour. I don't know how many menu book they do have but we waited for 15minutes just to see the menu. Ordering part was smooth, everything was explained clearly including the prices, portion and serving time. They said for this particular food called "pilaf" you have to wait for 45 minutes so we said it's fine coz we ordered other dishes as well and we were expecting that this could be their sepcialty so we have to have patience. And also he mentioned that 4 portions, 40manats. So other dishes came. We ate and finished all but "pilaf" has not yet come. So we waited, little chitchat with the driver and finally after 30minutes post meal, "pilaf" came. They served 2 even though we ordered one so we told them it's not ours and they said no this one is for free and we were happy. So we tried the food (pilaf) something like rice wrapped in a thin crust bread with nothing in it but castañas and maybe 8 tiny lamb meat when in the first place we asked them if it was beef they said yes it is beef but in the end we realized it was lamb. Okay so bill came, we were charged 2 times the price of pilaf. It says times two. When asked, they said oh we explained you that for 2 portions 40 manats, you ordered 4 portions so it is times 2 blah blah blah i dont want to explain anymore. WHOEVER IS THE OWNER OF THIS PLACE PLEASE DO A BRIEFING WITH YOUR MANAGER AND CREW BECAUSE IT IS CLEAR THAT THEY CHEATED ON US. The menu says 4 portions for 40 manats. And he said he explained to us that 2 portions 40 manats. 5 of us heard when he took the order and he never said 2 portions for 40 manats. And why would he give us free Pilaf anyway? Then charge us times 2??? Then he was saying oh menu is not updated but he did not tell it to us before we ordered. What is this?! We had a total bill of 161.00 manats just for 3 dolma, 1spaghetti, 2 litres feycoa, 1 rice dish with maybe 5 tiny meats and that pilaf with plenty of rice and 8 tiny meats with castañas. We have eaten in a restaurant in baku where we had big as in huge portions of meat, salad, fries, burger and even alcoholic drinks for same amount of bill. How could this happen when we just ate rice the most in your restaurant? Anyway, i do not recommend tourists to come to this restaurant.

  • Chef Faizan Rehmat

    Chef Faizan Rehmat


    Good food Great chef

  • Eithar Algebail

    Eithar Algebail


    Good food especially grills! But service is a bit slow. The experience of the place is amazing; outdoors in a forest of very high trees at a slope.

  • Numan Khangura

    Numan Khangura


    Best Turkish food in the hub of forest

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