Shaki Host House в Şeki

АзербайджанShaki Host House


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Bakhtiyar Mammadov street /1 House Number:10, Şeki, Azerbaijan
контакты телефон: +994 55 957 69 11
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.1992646, Longitude: 47.1825671

Комментарии 5

  • Harri Savolainen

    Harri Savolainen


    Hello from Finland! Thank you for your kindness and good service. You have a great Place there. I recommend to use your accommodation for all passengers. Young man, keep on enthusiasm for studying English.

  • Robert Hart

    Robert Hart


    The family is so lovely. Very pleasant and quiet location, and the owner cooks a delicious dinner and breakfast. Inexpensive family guesthouse run by a very friendly family. Mind you, you are sharing the house with the family, so you share a bathroom. Really, the warm, personal interaction with the family is wonderful. One reviewer mentioned the outdoor bathroom, but she was perhaps unaware that there is another indoor bathroom that is spotlessly clean.

  • Sebastian Woźniak

    Sebastian Woźniak


    Nice people!

  • layal mohamed

    layal mohamed


    It's such an amazing experience. The family is really lovely and helpful . They helped us to have a taxi with us for the whole day for a good amount of money, they also helped us to get a taxi to take us from sheki to baku for a really good amount of money. The young boy speaks English decently whilst the rest of the family speaks only azri and a little bit of Russian. The breakfast was really nice and especially the tea. They have a cute little garden where they plant there own vegetables so they taste organic and delicious. The free WiFi Is pretty much good. And most importantly they planned a full day trip all around sheki for us. I highly recommend the place to truly live the azrebijani experience.

  • Jennifer Smith

    Jennifer Smith


    Pros: Absolutely lovely family. Although the parents don’t speak English the son does a decent rough translation. They invited me to eat lunch with them which was wonderful as they are vegetarian as well! Also breakfast is included. The location is only a 15 minute walk from karavansay and a 20-minute walk to the fortress. The home is on an uphill pebble and stone walk so keep note. The son also kindly carried my knapsack for me. I love that shoes are not allowed inside (like my household). Cons: The bathroom situation is rustic. All rooms share an outdoor toilet and a separate shower facility. Whilst very clean the sewer smell from the squat toilet next to the western toilet gave off a rank sewer smell by the AM. The WiFi is also mediocre at best.

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