Quba Palace Hotel i Quba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanQuba Palace Hotel



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Ispik Road, Quba, Quba, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 12 404 34 34
internet side: quba.rixos.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.3320638, Longitude: 48.498996

kommentar 5

  • en

    Banana Berry


    amazing resort i had the most fun during my stay has so many activities to do the whole day breakfast and dinner buffet is very delicious and ha a lot of variety

  • en

    Yahya Al-Areeqi


    The staff barely speak English. The service does not suit even a 4 star hotel. The rooms are clean but this place isn’t recommended as a resort.

  • Shuaib Khan

    Shuaib Khan


    Everything is good except few serious things which doesn't suit to a 5 star hotel. I liked dinner and breakfast which had a variety of food. Internet signala in room are very weak and net often disconnects. There is no coffee, kettle and cups im the room. There is no iron in the room, on request they provide you iron for 30 minutes only. It seems they use one iron throughout the floor as I noticed. Iron board condition was very poor as there were many dirty stains on the board. No one will like to press clothes on such iron board. I will post photos

  • Farhad Burzu

    Farhad Burzu


    Only beautiful mountains you can find there. The staff doesn't know what they have to do, only smiles. Take a meal with you, its very difficult to get meal. Also it isn't Rixos already, its Quba palace hotel. Rixos has moved out their brand.

  • en

    Parviz Gafarov


    Good hotel. Service could be improved.

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