Old Ganja Hostel i Ganja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AserbajdsjanOld Ganja Hostel


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M9G6+52X, Ganja 2000, Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 55 296 66 21
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.6754993, Longitude: 46.3600989

kommentar 5

  • Ozal Ismayilzade

    Ozal Ismayilzade


    Friendly stuff and perfect place for staying

  • Farid Mustafayev

    Farid Mustafayev


    This is my favourite place in Ganja city. İn city center. Close to everywhere. All historical buildings, touristic attractions, Ganja mall, main touristic street - Sabir street, Khan Garden (Xan bağı), mosque, parks etc. is walking distance from the hostel. Old Ganja Hostel is the first hostel in Ganja. Personnel will help you for everything. You can ask them anything and they will help you like a friend. They have small garden and shisha if you want to smoke, just ask manager, he will organise you . Almost every evening young people of Ganja gathering together at hostel. Talking about new projects amd smoke shisha. You will love the place.

  • Johanna Schoepfer

    Johanna Schoepfer


    Really friendly host, he helped us to organize tours and tickets for the nighttrain and everything worked fine. The dorm was clean and we had enough space. The atmosphere was familiar.

  • Elkhan Poladli

    Elkhan Poladli


    An old house with a small yard

  • Danny Erdmann

    Danny Erdmann


    + Check In was very relaxed + its direct in the city centre - wifi is slow - no warm water - bad smelling, dirty bathroom which gets no cleaning the time we stayed there - the last morning no water works (no chance for a shower or going on toilette)

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