Mensen Hotel Baku в Bakı

АзербайджанMensen Hotel Baku


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Unnamed Road, Bakı, Azerbaijan
контакты телефон: +994 55 206 64 36
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 40.409918, Longitude: 49.8615468

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Narges Maleki


    It was terrible. Cold rooms, too expensive . Rude and dishonest personelle that easily cheat the passengers. The breakfast was small , actually nothing too eat, it was simple,small and repetitive. you could only have small amount of bread and cheese for eating. I don't recommend this hell at all. Going to that hotel was a real waste of time. It is better to sleep in the street than to go to this hotel.

  • Hamed Davoudabadi

    Hamed Davoudabadi


    It is so far from city center, you should pay from 4 manats (with Uber) or 8 Manats (with classic taxi) to go to city center. it is so more suitable to get a more expensive hotel in Baku city center

  • en

    Ali Qambar


    The good this is the hotel new, and the location,, otherwise don't think to sleep becouse of the nearby buildings working and doing so big noise, you cant close the window becouse the air conditioner is so hot, room service open the door on me every day when im sleeping abd imagine some times she wants to wake me up to clean the room !! Brakefast is bad

  • MohammadReza EffatParvar

    MohammadReza EffatParvar


    + Positive: Hotel is new, facility is good, room temperature is well, staff is helpful special (thanks for Negar). - Negative: Room didn't have Electric Kettle, trash bin, minibar, view. The restaurant manager smoked cigarette in the restaurant. Very very poor breakfast. beds not good but accepteble. Hotel's streed is not asphalt. Around of hotel hotel has many construction.

  • en

    Narges Maleki


    Dob't go to this hell at all. It was just a waste of money. My spouse and I spend there a week. The price was completely above the rate, but since we reserved the hotel online we could do nothing, what makes the situation worse was that we reserved online and we had to pay at place, they charge us 3 times! 2 times online via credit card information and 1 time in cash . the breakfast was awful,nothing to eat, as little as if we are staying there for free, small plastic 5 gram of butter, honey... no variety in breakfast. The staff were not helpful and informative at all.they could not speak english and they just wanted to cheat and mislead us to gain more money.We don't recommend this hotel at all . it is better to sleep in street than to go to the mensen hotel baku.

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