Karavan Rent A Car in Baku / Прокат Автомобилей в Баку в Bakı

АзербайджанKaravan Rent A Car in Baku / Прокат Автомобилей в Баку



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1141, Şəfayət Mehdiyev Küçəsi, Bakı, Bakı, AZ Azerbaijan
контакты телефон: +994 55 455 22 45
Веб-сайт: www.karavan.az
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 40.3761976, Longitude: 49.8171442

Комментарии 5

  • Аня Кузякина

    Аня Кузякина


    Not so long ago we went from Baku. We had a good holidays mainly because of such reliable service of car rent. The are a lot of different cars in their park and we choosen the best one in their segment - Land Cruiser 200. It was not so expensive but very comfortable. We will come back soon and become your regular customers.We want to say thank you and wish good luck! Ann

  • Алексей Симонов

    Алексей Симонов


    Last month I flew to Baku for work and on the recommendation of friends took the car for rent for more comfortable work and rest. The girls at the company quickly enough issued me all the documents and on the same day I was able to go out of the office by car, which in a week did not bring me any problems and never failed at work. In General, the quality of service and service I was satisfied, I will apply in the future.

  • Terry Klaus

    Terry Klaus


    I use the services of the rental company Karavan Rent a car LLC for a long time. As for prices, they are acceptable, regular customers discounts. I reserve the car in advance. They always gave out the brand they chose. This is a definite plus! In General I recommend to those who value reliability, transparency, and excellent attitude! Fast and accurate paperwork, delivery of the car 10 minutes. Only positive impressions from cooperation with us!

  • Михаил Лобзев

    Михаил Лобзев


    Hello, everybody. Recently I was in Baku with my family. We needed a rental car. In the end I rented a Renault Logan. I liked the car very much, it is clear that it is very high quality. The air conditioner worked well, so the car was not hot at all. Just want to mention a good engine, the car quickly accelerated. Suspensions are no complaints there, it worked perfectly, no knocks was not.

  • en

    Kate Largon


    I can not imagine my life without a car. Last year I went to Azerbaijan to travel for two weeks. long chose where to rent a car and read many good reviews about Karavan Rent A Car LLС. what to say? good company. the guys quickly picked up my car, answered and told me according to my requests. told the subtleties of the rules of the road and on what roads it is better to go. really enjoyed the cooperation with them! only five stars

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