Ganja State University i Ganja

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AserbajdsjanGanja State University


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Shah Ismayil Khetayi Avenue, Ganja, Ganja, AZ Azerbaiyán
kontakter telefon: +994 22 256 73 10
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6780624, Longitude: 46.3601533

kommentar 5

  • Arzu Gurbanli

    Arzu Gurbanli


    Ganja State University (GDU, Azerbaijani: Gəncə Dövlət Universiteti) is a public university in Ganja, Azerbaijan. According to the resolution of the Soviet of People's Commissars of Azerbaijan from April 14, 1938 a two-year pedagogical institute named after Nadezhda Krupskaya was established in the city of Ganja, Azerbaijan. Due to a lack of space, the college was placed on the third floor of Gorky School. The first two departments of the institute were Natural Sciences Department and the Department of Physics and Mathematics. Twenty three teachers were hired to teach at the institute. The first class of 244 students started on October 1, 1938. In 1939, the departments of History and Azerbaijani language and literature were established in the institute. On September 1, 1943 the two-year college was abolished and a four-year Kirovobad (Ganja) State Pedagogical Institute was established on its basis. In fall of 1943, the institute was named after a renown scientist and publicist of Azerbaijan Hasan bey Zardabi.

  • gana kumar

    gana kumar


    Ganja boys gana Kumar

  • ru

    alieva_ t_5


    Расскажите, пожалуйста, те кто тут учится, какие факультеты в этом университете? Какие предметы сдавать? Баллы? Я сама из города Нижневартовск, Россия, в ближайшее время перевожусь в Товуз, интересно все узнать об этом университете

  • en

    Yaz Yağmuru


    Gözel universitetim Beautiful university

  • Jose Torres

    Jose Torres


    Bonito edificio

nærmeste Universitet

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