Gafgaz Sahil Hotel i Lənkəran

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AserbajdsjanGafgaz Sahil Hotel


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261, Heydər Əliyev, 4200, Lənkəran, Lənkəran, AZ Azerbaijan
kontakter telefon: +994 25 252 61 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.7965484, Longitude: 48.8349176

kommentar 5

  • A.Sharifov Baku (Life is interesting)

    A.Sharifov Baku (Life is interesting)


    The resort town of Lankaran takes approximately four hours to reach from Baku. Tourists have access to hotels and resorts in the town famous for both lemons and tea. If you want to enjoy coastline, head a few kilometres up or down the coast. The water isn’t suitable for swimming.

  • Sabahaddin Karaman

    Sabahaddin Karaman


    An ideal place for a pleasant holiday with comfortable rooms, wonderful beach and excellent fish restaurant

  • Tural Aliyev

    Tural Aliyev



  • Melf Uhrig

    Melf Uhrig


    Clean, nice, friendly, affordable

  • Oleg Kyiashko

    Oleg Kyiashko


    A very pleasant beachfront hotel. Clean cottage. Without unduly reminding the staff, clean up the cobwebs and chase away the spiders and other insects so often found in southern hotels. Hearty buffet breakfast. Unfortunately, the car has to be left in the parking lot, not near the cottage. Free Wi-Fi. For the whole cottage there is 1 condenser in the hall (not available in the bedrooms). The cottage has a kitchen with a sink and a kettle. The presence of a refrigerator and a mini bar in it is a nice addition. The bathroom has a boiler that will provide your stay with hot water. The only thing the staff will not warn you about is that the bottom of the sea is covered with stones with fossilized polyps. The chance to cut your leg is 100%. Therefore, take with you silicone slippers for swimming, and the comfort from swimming in the warm waters of the Caspian Sea is guaranteed to you.

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