Cinema Boutique Hotel в Gəncə

АзербайджанCinema Boutique Hotel


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2, Cavadxan, Gəncə, Gəncə, AZ Azerbaijan
контакты телефон: +994 55 699 55 43
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 40.6733324, Longitude: 46.360456

Комментарии 5

  • Kamil Bağır

    Kamil Bağır


    Hotel is in good place! Reasonable prices! But beds not so clean and telephone number is wrong.

  • Rufat Mamedov

    Rufat Mamedov


    There is no reception. The phone is always zanit. What can he do?

  • Mohammad Natsir

    Mohammad Natsir


    Toilet smell unpleasant.

  • Олег Шварёв

    Олег Шварёв


    Upon check-in, it turned out that the payment was only in cash - I had to withdraw the manats from the nearest ATM, since it’s close by. The key to our room for 5 minutes was searched all over the hotel, finally we were given another room with beautiful round windows overlooking the pedestrian street and slots in these very windows. Not finding towels in the room and assuming the appearance of the bathroom that it was not removed, leaving for a walk asked to remove the bathroom. As a result, instead of the bathroom cleaned, they gave us the number that was originally planned - the key was finally found somewhere. It turned out that the seen condition of the bathroom is a normal situation for this hotel, although this time everything looked a little better, and the towels were found in the closet. The suites are 2 extra folding beds in the folded form. Breakfast from 8 to 11 in the adjacent cafe. At 8:50 on January 1, the cafe was dark and empty. When asked if there would be breakfast, in about 25 minutes they brought a plate of fried egg, sausage and cheese. For coffee and baklava for breakfast had to pay. Of the benefits can be noted excellent location close to the center and on a pedestrian street, as well as a comfortable bed. The suites are not huge, but quite spacious - there are no comments here either. In general, if someday I find myself again in Ganja, I will try to choose another hotel.

  • Ayten Axundova

    Ayten Axundova


    An awful hotel, with an awful service, rooms and location. Do not recommend

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