Azeri Student в Bakı

АзербайджанAzeri Student



🕗 время открытия

15, Nobel Prospekti, 1025, Bakı, Bakı, AZ Aserbaidschan
контакты телефон: +994 12 488 66 78
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 40.3780955, Longitude: 49.8755158

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Karim Mammadov


    The motto of the "Azeri student" organization is efficiency and high professionalism in the sphere of assistance and consultation of students about universities abroad. On the very first day when I came to this organization for advice and assistance on applying to universities abroad, I was immediately helped. On the same day all documents were sent, and a week later all the answers came. I was very surprised at the speed of filing application forms . Azeri Student in my opinion is the only organization that is more worried about its students and their future. Especially i would like to mention Miss Kamilla, and Mr. Rasim for their support, and quick response and help in choosing the best unis based on my career choice.I have already been helped, but what about you?

  • Vasif Abilov

    Vasif Abilov


    If you want to study abroad, and you need direction or more help, this is the place to go. Just call them or go to the office and you will end up at where you wanted. Strongly recommended

  • en

    Teymur Mammadov


    Azeri student is the best agency! Professionalism, enthusiasm, attention to the details are all about this great company. It is difficult to overestimate their contribution to my successful education. Thanks to Rasim and his lovely team for their support!

  • en

    Leila Baku


    If you really want to get a professional help and support, this is the address you should go for! starting from the director to student advisors, they are very helping. I was sent to several institutions by them and that was the best decision I have ever made! Thank you Rasim and his lovely team!

  • en

    Mevlana Rumi


    Azeristudent is the best student agency in Azerbaijan and they have been helping me in my educational career for more than 5 years, especially appreciate to Mrs. Kamila because of her efforts on the students. She was kind, patient, well-informed about the selection of correct universities and qualifications

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