Palma Shisha & Lounge в Bakı

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АзербайджанPalma Shisha & Lounge


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20, Nigar Rəfibəyli, Bakı, Bakı, AZ Azerbaiyán
контакты телефон: +994 50 416 89 09
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 40.3709581, Longitude: 49.8355754

Комментарии 5

  • Maitham AL-Lawati

    Maitham AL-Lawati


    Very bad service

  • Leo Fox

    Leo Fox


    We stopped here for a glass of wine and drink of water after a long hot day of walking around Baku in a heat wave of 37 degrees. Then we were too tired to move on to another restaurant, so decided to eat here. They have an excellent location but the food and drink do not match the location. Our greeter handed us two crumpled, worn laminated menus. Too bad, as it would only cost $2-$3 to have nice clean, fresh-looking menus and make a good first impression. Wine is not even on the menu. But when we asked, they said, oh yes, they do have it. We forgot to ask the price per glass. We ordered some no-name white wine which was OK, but (see below) turned out to be too expensive for the quality of the wine. After 6PM, when the fountains are turned on, you are right next to the fantastic large fountain which provides the wonderful background sound of a waterfall. But the staff turned on loud western background music which drowned out the fountain sound. Food overall rates an "OK" but not more. The Greek salad was good, rated an "A". My spouse had a shrimp pasta which she said was OK, but I noticed she did not finish it and ate some of my very so-so pizza. My Margherita pizza was floppy, bland, too cheesy, crust too thick and soft. Not a tomato to be seen! Yet the menu mentioned the right combo of ingredients for margherita, which of course should include some nice tomatoes, and they have tons of great tomatoes in Azerbaijan. Wine was OK (but not really good) but I would say very pricey at 10 AZN/glass for that quality of wine. Our server (Farid) was a bright spot-- cheery, friendly young guy studying petroleum engineering, with good English. All my "complaints" would be easy to fix. Sorry to say, I would NOT come here again, and just cannot recommend it to any other tourist for food and drink. It is probably OK for shisha and pot of tea. We had better food, better menu and better wine selection at different restaurants for same price.

  • Egor Gurjev

    Egor Gurjev


    Great place for Shisha and tea. Very long and tasty shisha, have not seen such in Moscow even. Prices are ok and not high. Staff is very friendly. But they didn't accept credit cards when we were there. That is the only disadvantage.

  • Mohammad



    Place Shesha is ok but when they open the top roof for ventilation it me freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

  • Ahmed Alhasan

    Ahmed Alhasan


    Best place to smoke shisha 😍

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