Ansera Shaki Hotel в Sheki

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АзербайджанAnsera Shaki Hotel


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M.F.Axundov avenue 8, Sheki, Azerbaijan
контакты телефон: +994 55 688 38 38
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.200769, Longitude: 47.179756

Комментарии 5

  • Айрон Стоун

    Айрон Стоун


    Cozy, beautiful panorama. But maintenance is required. It's hard to find, it's hard to get without a car.

  • Nidjat Begishov

    Nidjat Begishov


    It was a super place for very super.istirahet

  • ilgar idayatov

    ilgar idayatov


  • matthias200587



    Cons: Welcoming to the limit of politeness: although our Russian is limited, we so far never really had problems in Caucasian countries. The owner seemed to have no idea we were coming (we had booked 2months ago on and kept yelling at the phone for a good 10min before bringing us to our room. He was much faster to ask for the payment though... Bad/unexistent soundproofing: loud place, other guests were loud, although they lowered their voice once firmly asked (and later reminded), but owner kept answering the phone right in front of you room as if he was alone in the place... Not correct Room rather clean, but there was still food from the previous guests in the fridge... Very, very simple breakfast and no coffee. Location: on the top of the hill, right in front of the Dili Qala, after the war memorial. Do not trust the google map location as it is totally wrong ( location is the good one though). There isn't a sign or indication whatsoever of that hotel, so if you don't remember what it is supposed to look like, you will look for it for a while... Excursion/driving services: simply do not go with the owner ! After discussing briefly with him where to go, we were told said tour would cost 20 AZN, which was already more expensive that what we had discussed with taxi drivers at the bus station the day before. Yet we decided to go for the easy way and agreed as we believed more money would also mean more flexibility. On the way back, we asked him to drop us to another location we had discussed the day before (the Xan Saray, 1.5km away from the hotel...). Once there, he asked for 5 additional AZN... I hate such attitude, seeing tourists as walking wallets waiting to be milked, especially as we always find it somehow risky to get into an argument with somebody who has access to our room... Overall value for money was just bad, as we could have stayed in the iconic Caravanserai of Sheki for the same price... The attitude of the owner was not correct. Pros: The furniture of the property looks very nice The bed was comfortable The view from the property is nice

  • Darya Hekimzade

    Darya Hekimzade


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